
In baptism we enter into a loving and intentional relationship with God in Christ. It is a way to receive the gift of new life, and to begin to model our lives on Christ’s life.
In it we are buried with Christ in his death. By it we share in his resurrection. Through it we are reborn by the Holy Spirit. (Thanksgiving over the water: Book of Common Prayer)
We offer Baptism on significant Sundays in the Church’s calendar year. The list at right includes those dates for the upcoming year, 2024. Baptism is always celebrated (with the exception of emergencies) as part of community worship.
If you have any questions about Baptism at Grace Church, please reach out to the clergy.
If you are seeking Baptism in an emergency situation, please call the parish office, (314) 821-1806, ext. 7 to reach the Priest on call.
Going Deeper... Learn more about Baptism in the Episcopal Church Here