A 100-Day Journey Through Lent and Easter to Pentecost
Each year Lent calls us to a deepening of our faith—and our practice of faith—in preparation for Easter. This year, inspired by this time of excitement and transition in the life of Grace, we look forward not only to the forty days of Lent, but to Holy Week and the fifty days of Easter culminating in Pentecost. As our youth prepare for Confirmation in May, we invite the entire parish to join us in a twofold journey toward Pentecost:
In Lent we’ll explore the fundamentals of our Episcopal tradition with weekly discussions based on Your Faith, Your Life. In addition to the traditional Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, we’ll discover more of what our tradition teaches us about faith, spirituality, the Bible, worship, and the sacraments.
Having deepened and enriched our lives of faith, we’ll journey through Eastertide with the early church, seeking points of resonance with our own experience and asking what it means for us to live as an “Easter people.” Dorothy Day will be a guide for us as together we travel The Reckless Way of Love, her “notes on following Jesus.”
Whether you’re a longtime parishioner looking to reaffirm your faith, someone from another tradition who seeks to be welcomed into the Episcopal Church, an adult who’d like to be confirmed yourself, or simply a curious seeker of some other variety, we invite you to join us in this 100-day journey of exploration and transformation.
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