
Kirk Care

The mission of Kirk Care is to demonstrate God's love to reduce hunger and poverty in our community by feeding the hungry and providing emergency utility services to low-income families and individuals living within the Kirkwood R-7 school district.
Kirk Care is a non-profit organization formed in 1982, whose mission is to help the needy within the boundaries of the Kirkwood R-7…
Read More »Trinity Food Ministries

Trinity Food Ministries was founded over 50 years ago, responding to the need of those in the Central West End who were without food, The mission of Trinity Food Ministry is to be as Christ in the midst of the people. "When we do this for the 'least of these' so we do it for Christ. We offer food to those who are hungry, give drink to those who thirst, offer basic clothes to thos…
Read More »Person to Person Street Ministry

Well into the several years of ministering to the homeless downtown, we continue to encounter new situations. This past Sunday, as we got out of our cars on Tucker, close to St. Patrick's, a young man came dashing across the street, unsteady on his feet, and ended up face down at my feet. He had obviously overdosed on something, not opioids, and was completely helpless. We, Lauri…
Read More »Shepherd's Center

In 1998, a group of volunteers and congregations from St. Louis came together to form Shepherd's Center. Their vision was to empower older adults and help them stay independent and engaged in social, intellectual, and physical activities.
Today, Shepherd's Center continues to serve the community and provide support for older adults. With over 200 volunteers, the center provides …
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