
We are following Jesus into loving, liberating and life-giving relationship with God, with each other and with the earth.
Following Jesus takes us many places. We strive to "be the church" not only on Sunday mornings, but in our everyday lives. Outreach, stewardship and hospitality are all vital ministries at Grace.

Community Connections
Grace Church is filled with members and friends coming together each Sunday morning to worship the Lord. Our services are always open to all!
As a church, we are committed to being good neighbors and giving back to our community. With this in mind, we provide our buildings and grounds as a resource for community events and activities. We believe that by sharing our space, we can…
Read More »Grace Community Labyrinth

We invite all to experience the Grace Community Labyrinth.
What is a labyrinth?
Labyrinths are ancient symbols of pilgrimage, or journeys to become closer to God. A labyrinth is not a maze, but a walking meditation device with a single winding path from the edge to the center, and back out again. There are no tricks, choices or dead ends in a labyrinth walk. The path in is als…
Read More »Prayer Request

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