Grace Youth Tackle Hunger

For over 30 years, the Souper Bowl of Caring movement has been inspiring people across the nation to tackle hunger in their local communities. The nationwide event is a youth-inspired movement to give locally and collectively impact hunger.
The junior and senior high school members of Grace's Episcopal Youth Community are helping those less fortunate by collecting nonperishable food goods and funds for Kirk Care through The Souper Bowl of Caring. Your donations will support the hungry right here within the Kirkwood School District. In the past few years, Kirk Care has supported the food needs of over 6,000 of our neighbors.
The Challenge is simple. February 12 through 19, Grace Youth teamed up to challenge the congregation with a friendly competition. East vs. West. The East Team represents the church's Gospel (or left) side. Team West represents the Epistle (right side) of the church.
You support your team by "voting" with a can of food or a dollar. You may vote as often as you want. You can vote for both teams. You can vote early, and you can vote late. While the youth-led teams may compete, the real winner will be KirkCare Food Pantry.
Donation barrels will be in the narthex, and youth in Jerseys will be there to encourage you to vote for their team.
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