Trinity Food Ministries

Trinity Food Ministries was founded over 50 years ago, responding to the need of those in the Central West End who were without food, The mission of Trinity Food Ministry is to be as Christ in the midst of the people. “When we do this for the ‘least of these’ so we do it for Christ. We offer food to those who are hungry, give drink to those who thirst, offer basic clothes to those who are without, invite people to sit and rest, and tend to those who are sick. One of our primary concerns is that people do not have to choose food over other living expenses.”
The Food Pantry provides groceries for over 9,000 individuals. It offers a stop-gap to help make ends meet until the next paycheck, disability check, or Food Stamps are available. Many of the patrons are the working poor. Some are homeless. Many are blended families, generations living together to share incomes and meet needs. There are no geographic or income limitations for this program.
Grace supports Food Pantry by providing regular food donations and financial support.
Sunday Hot Lunch is served every Sunday from 2 to 2:30 p.m. Those coming to the Hot Lunch are likely to live within the neighborhood, although many are homeless, living on the streets or in shelters in downtown St. Louis. These meals are provided through partnerships with numerous Episcopal parishes and churches, a synagogue, and secular organizations.
Grace volunteers prepare for the Hot Lunch Program on the second Sunday of each month. They prepare 100 meals and typically feed 60 – 70 people. Leftovers are appreciated and enjoyed at the Tuesday meal at Trinity.
Learn More about Trinity Food Ministries