
The Vestry is the elected lay leadership of our church, who act under the bylaws of our Parish:
The duties of the Vestry shall be to take charge of the physical properties of the Parish; to attend to and regulate its temporal concerns; to provide for the support of the Rector, and for the staff persons whose employment has been authorized; to act as helpers to the Rector in whatever is appropriate to laypeople for the furtherance of the Gospel.
Three Vestry members are elected by the congregation each year during our annual meeting. Members serve three-year terms.
The Senior Warden is chosen by the Rector to serve as an adviser and is charged with church oversight in the absence of a rector. The Senior Warden serves a one-year term.
The Junior Warden is elected by the Vestry and is generally in charge of the church's physical property. This is also a one-year term.
Other officers can be Vestry members or members-at-large elected by the Vestry.
The remaining vestry members serve in leadership roles on all committees of the church. These assignments change each year with the addition of newly-elected vestry members.
The rector appoints the Executive Committee to serve as an advisory committee to the rector. It often, but not necessarily, consists of our Senior Warden, Junior Warden, and Treasurer, who serve along with our rector. Others may be appointed at the discretion of the rector.
The Vestry meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.
Ann VanConia

Class of 2027
Ann been an Episcopalian her whole life. Brent and Ann were married at Christ Church Cathedral while living in Lafayette Square in 1986. They joined Grace Church in 1992. Their 3 grown children, Matt, Elle, and Abby, were active at Grace throughout their youth, as well as Brent and Ann.
Ann has served Grace in many roles over the years, from Sunday school teacher to youth group director, to adult missioner on mission trips. She served on the board for Grace Preschool for 6 years and worked to move and build the playground we have today. They left Grace in 2008 to move to Jefferson City and attended Grace Church Jefferson City for ten years. When Brent retired in 2018, they moved back to St. Louis and were very happy they were able to return to Grace Kirkwood. This will be Ann’s second term on the vestry, and she has served as vestry liaison to the church school.
Jane Cenova

Class of 2026
came to Grace n 1985. I want Grace to be here for many generations to come and
hope my time on the Vestry will help that to continue.The relationships and
support I have received from Grace churches has been a life changing experience
I will always be so thankful and treasure my experience at Grace church.
Kristin Frisch

I have been a member of Grace my entire life. I grew up participating in choir, acolyting, youth group, and the mission trip. I have also served as a Eucharistic minister and a chaperone on the mission trip. My husband John and I are currently raising our two children, Molly and Charlie, at Grace and have enjoyed watching them participate in similar activities and grow in their faith.
I have enjoyed getting to know the younger generations while teaching Sunday school and would like to see Grace stay committed to the youth, so that they have the foundation and fellowship that Grace is known for. Grace is a welcoming community that I am looking forward to getting more involved in as we move through this transition.
Mike Heyer

Class of 2026
I grew up in the Catholic Church but began attending Grace Church in 1975 while dating my late wife, Janet. Janet was a lifelong member of Grace and I became a member in 1978. Janet and I were married at Grace in 1977 and have two daughters (Jenny and Megan) that were baptized, confirmed and married at Grace. I have since re-married to my current wife Joan, and we have been married 7 years.
After graduating from high school, I enlisted in the U.S. Army serving for 3 years (2 ½ years in Germany) from 1970 – 1973, achieving the rank of Sergeant. I graduated from UMSL - BSBA degree in Finance and have an MBA from Webster University. I spent over 32 years working in various accounting positions with two companies – LaBarge & Anheuser-Busch. Currently, I am retired.
Current/previous Activities outside of Grace
Kirkwood’s Citizen’s Finance Committee, Habitat for Humanity, St. Louis Finance Committee, Board Member of the Shepherd’s Center, High School Veteran’s speaker
Current/previous activities at Grace
Vestry, Senior Warden, Todd’s Exec Committee, Discernment Team, Finance Committee, Treasurer, Junior Warden, Stewardship, Endowment Trustee,
Capital Campaigns, Giving Tree founding member, Mission Trip Chaperone,
Church School Teacher and Usher
Mike Lillmars

Class of 2026
I first came to Grace Church when my wife, Amy, and I moved to Kirkwood in 1990 with our two 4-year-old daughters. They enrolled in Grace Preschool that year. Amy was raised protestant, and I grew up Catholic, so we were looking for a church where we could both be happy. Grace was the perfect fit.
As I began to be involved in the church I first served as an usher and lay reader, followed by being on the Pre-School board and finally the Vestry. I also served on the Metro III Convocation and attended Diocesan Convention twice. My dearest memories of Grace are the fellowship, whether it was pitching on the softball team, participating in the Greentree Parade, teaching Sunday School, the Christmas Eve Service, and the list goes on.
I look forward to serving on the Vestry once again, especially in this time of transition.
Susan Reis

Class of 2025
I believe I came to Grace around 2012 or 2013. It was about a year after Todd started here. I agreed to serve on the Vestry to see if there was any area in which I could help, and also to learn more about the workings of the church. I keep doing the jobs I have taken on because I see it is helping out those who need it.
Mary Merriweather

I have been a parishioner of Grace for over 64 years. I currently serves as Director of Acolytes, work with the Altar Guild, serve as an Eucharistic minister and I cook for Trinity Hot Lunch. I have also been a a Sunday School teacher. This will be my second time on the vestry.
Being on the vestry is going to be exciting and I look forward to serving Grace by working through the transition and looking for a new rector. I pray I may live and act so that others may know God through me.
James Wethington

Class of 2025
Dick Wright

Class of 2007
Richard H. Wright (Dick) and his family lived in Leavenworth and Fort Leavenworth, Kansas from 1980 to 2021. In 1984, after twenty-eight years in the Army, he retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. He joined the Federal Civil Service, retiring in 2004. He has a BA from North Georgia College, and a MA from the University of Southern California. He was an adjunct instructor for four colleges. He has written two books about religious life, and two books about the history of Fort Leavenworth. After the death his wife, he moved to Ballwin in February 2022 to be near his daughter’s family. Here he joined the various civic organizations.
He and his family were members of Fort Leavenworth’s Episcopal Congregation for 40 years. It consists primarily of officer and families attending the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. A small core of officers and retirees maintain the service. Each year the Bishop for the Armed Forces, Episcopal Church, celebrated theConfirmation/Reception service. He served as worship coordinator (Senior Warden) on the Congregation Council (Vestry), a licensed chalice server, and lay reader, and on the Chaplain’s Budget Advisory Committee. His experience in an Army chapel where everyone participates, however short or long time, gives him an appreciation of a church in transition. Attendance at Vestry meetings is desired to understand the current programs before making recommendations. It is an honor to be asked to be on Grace Episcopal Church’s Vestry. Serving in a vibrant welcoming church will be rewarding.
Vestry Minutes
2024 Vestry Minutes
2023 Vestry Minutes
2022 Vestry Minutes
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- Annual Meeting
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2021 Vestry Minutes
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