Visitors & Newcomers
Welcome! We're happy you are visiting our website.
Grace Church is a place to come together to experience and share faith. We extend a warm and unconditional invitation to all. Whether you are seeking a weekly worship service, classes for your children, new and meaningful relationships, or ways to serve our community, we hope you will join us as we celebrate God's goodness and share His light in the world!
Our church office is open Tuesday
through Friday, 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. The office is located just past the main
entrance of the church. Our office phone number is 314-821-1806. Drop by and
say “hello” or call ahead to arrange a tour of the church or to talk with Fr.
Todd or a staff member.
Take a few minutes to explore this website. We've answered a few questions below, but if you want to know more, be sure to contact us. We look forward to meeting you!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Where are you located?
Grace is located at 514 E. Argonne Drive, at the corner of Argonne and Woodlawn Drives, just a few blocks east of downtown Kirkwood. (See a map here.)
When are your worship services?
We celebrate Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion):
- Sunday mornings at 8 & 10 a.m.
- Tuesday mornings at 9:30 a.m.
We also have Evensong and Taize services on various Sundays throughout the year (please check current communications).
What's the best way to get to know a new church?
The best way to get to know a new church is to come and try it out. Don't be afraid to ask questions of the people around you -- they're all happy to help! Come early to experience a Christian Formation class or stay late to visit with people after church.
What should I wear to church?
Wear what you want -- we won't judge! You will generally see people at Grace dressed in comfortable "Sunday casual" clothing. We welcome everything from suits and ties to jeans and tennis shoes!
What is worship like?
Grace is "liturgical," which means everyone is encouraged to participate! Ushers will give you a printed Sunday program as you enter so that you can easily follow along throughout the service. We stand when we sing, we sit to listen to scripture readings and the sermon, and we kneel (if we're able) to pray and confess our sins together. Members of the congregation read lessons from scripture and our priest leads us in prayer. We share Holy Communion every Sunday, which we think is really important. Our worship services are beautiful, reverent and joyful -- we think you'll like it, too!
Who may receive Communion?
All baptized Christians are invited to receive the bread and the wine. We believe Holy Communion is sacred, uniting us to Christ and to one another. We receive Communion at the altar rail. If you do not wish to receive, you are still invited to come to the altar for a blessing from a priest.
How do I become a member of Grace Church?
There are several ways to become a member:
- Get baptized: Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ's Body the Church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble (The Book of Common Prayer). If you have never been baptized or are interested in having a child baptized, please contact the parish office.
- Transfer your membership: If you are moving from another Episcopal church, we will request a membership transfer for you. Please contact the parish office.
- Give us your information: If you were baptized in and/or attended another church, contact our church office for a simple form to let us know you want to be a member of our parish.
- And a bonus - Get confirmed: If you have never received the Sacrament of Confirmation or were confirmed in another Christian tradition, we invite you to reaffirm your baptismal covenant and deepen your commitment to Christ's Church. This is not a requirement of membership but will be necessary to participate in certain church leadership roles. If you are interested in being confirmed in the Episcopal Church, contact the parish office.
What programs do you offer for children?
Grace offers church school each Sunday (during the school year) at 9:30 a.m. for children in Pre-K through high school. We also have confirmation classes and youth group programs during the school year along with a youth mission trip each summer. Our nursery is currently closed, but will soon be available for infants and toddlers every Sunday morning beginning at 8:45 during the school year, 9:45 in the summer and also for special events. Read more about our children’s and youth programming or contact the parish office.
What do I do if I have a pastoral care emergency?
If you have a pastoral care emergency, call the church office at 314-821-1806 and ask to speak to a priest. If the office is closed, push “7” and you will be connected to the priest on call.
When is your church office open?
Our church office is open Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m. till 3 p.m. The office is located just past the main entrance of the church. Our office phone number is 314-821-1806.